A Brief History
The Sudlersville Memorial Library is an independent municipal public library.
Sudlersville and its surrounding community have been dedicated to supporting a public library since the late 1800's. Harmony Lodge Library, the first officially recorded service, was housed in Cox Hall (the town hall) just a few yards from the center of town. In 1923, the library expanded and moved its location almost directly across the street from Cox Hall into the building known to local residents as the Roe Building. Dr. C.H. Metcalfe donated a revolving bookcase to the library in 1929. It is still used in the library today.
In 1947, the library moved to its current location in the Asbury Methodist Episcopal Church South which held its last service in the building on April 26, 1942. The beautiful stained glass windows were installed as part of a 1915 renovation for the church. New Sunday School chairs were also purchased which are still in use today in the library. On Memorial Day 1947, Kent-Queen Anne American Legion Post #192 conducted a dedication ceremony for the library and named the Sudlersville Memorial Library in "the sacred memory of those who gave their lives and in grateful recognition of those who gave their service for the defense of our country..." Bronze plaques still grace the top of multiple bookshelves naming the individuals honored on dedication day.
During the 1950's and 60's, the library functioned as a branch of Queen Anne's County Library. The county expanded their bookmobile services in 1973 with regular stops in Sudlersville. They decided that the Sudlersville Library was no longer needed and would be closed. Community residents rallied around their library. Patrons, town commissioners, PTA's and Lions Club and Betterment Club members formed a Library Board to support funding of a "town library" once again. On July 1, 1973, the town of Sudlersville received the deed for the library which has since been proudly providing services to the north end of Queen Anne's County promoting reading, facilitating free access to information and acting as an anchor for the community.
Librarians Since 1914
(Supported by Assistant Librarians & many volunteers!)
Emma J. Moore, Mary S. Chance
Hattie Chance Walls
Elizabeth George Merrick
Elizabeth Roe
Gladys Truitt
Barbara Everett
Lucille Kuntz
Bonnie Schelts

Historical Map

Jimmie Foxx